生産地:日本 奈良県奈良市
麦芽とホップに加え乳糖、オーツ麦、大麦を加えた、優しい口当たりのスイートスタウト SWEET PAIN。スタウトの醍醐味は焙煎した麦芽を何種類も重ねること。それによってビールに重層性のある香りが感じられます。温度が低いときにはカカオやコーヒーを思わせるロースト香。温度が上がっていくにつれ、アーモンドに似た香ばしいナッツのアロマが感じられるようになります。
飲み口はオーツ麦由来のタンパクの、優しい口当たり。ほのかな甘みは乳糖によるもの。カカオは使っていませんが、ミルクチョコレートのようなニュアンスも感じられます。 甘すぎないほろ苦さで、お食事にも、デザートにも合う一杯です。
This beer is sweet stout "SWEET PAIN" , brewed with lactose, oats, barley, along with malt and hops, for a smooth and gentle mouthfeel.
The uniqueness of stouts lies in layering multiple types of roasted malts, which creates a complex aroma. "SWEET PAIN" offers notes reminiscent of cocoa or coffee, while warmer temperatures reveal a roasted nut aroma, similar to almonds. The oats lend a creamy texture, and the lactose contributes a subtle sweetness. Although no cocoa is used, there are hints of milk chocolate, making it pleasantly bittersweet—perfect for pairing with both meals and desserts.
Moreover, we are offering this beer in a nitro-can version, filled with nitrogen gas for an extra creamy texture that accentuates its sweetness. The keg version, on the other hand, uses lower levels of carbon dioxide, providing a clean and refreshing finish. Each version of "SWEET PAIN" has its own unique expression, so we hope you'll enjoy both if you get the chance.