奈良醸造 ウォーターメロンヘッド(NARA Brewing WATERMELON HEAD)





生産地:日本 奈良県奈良市


2024年、5年ぶりのリリースとなる「WATERMELON HEAD」!じめっと暑い日本の夏、渇いた喉を潤すビールとしてこんなのがあったら面白いだろうなと思って造ったのが、このスイカを使ったウィートエールでした。



The revival of "WATERMELON HEAD" after five years! Nara Brewing releases at least two new beers almost every month. We've introduced over 100 different beers, and among them, one that has garnered 'I want to drink it again!' feedback is the watermelon wheat ale, 'WATERMELON HEAD'.

This beer was brewed to quench your thirst during the hot, humid summer and was released in 2018 and 2019. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, we had to halt production, and since then, we hadn't had the opportunity to brew it again. Nevertheless, we have received many requests from our customers to drink it again, so we re-release it in the summer of 2024!

Previously, this beer was only available on tap, but this time, we're releasing it both on tap and in cans. Below is the original introduction text from its debut in 2018.

"We've tried various styles before, but this is our first time using a large amount of wheat malt. German wheat beers, like Weizen, have a distinctive refreshing taste different from barley malt beers, which I love to drink but have always found challenging to brew. However, as we became more familiar with our equipment, we decided to use wheat malt for about one-third of the total malt in this seventh batch. Additionally, we wanted to try brewing with fruit, an idea we've long had but never executed. We wondered which beer style would best compliment the fruit without turning it into a beer cocktail. After much contemplation, we decided to create a beer with wheat malt and watermelon. Enjoy this light, refreshing beer when you're thirsty!"
